Home / Civil War Genealogy / New Jersey / 10th New Jersey Infantry
10th New Jersey InfantryUS Flag
Company Unknown
George Washington Nickum
- Private
George was a 15yo drummer boy at gettysburg.
Contact Name: craig
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Date Added: 6/13/2010

Company A
Philip F Hilyard
- Corporal
Mr. Hilyard is not my ancestor, however he was a comrade of my ancestor George Weiser. He died at Andersonville in sept of 64. He was from Williamstown, NJ.
Contact Name: William Summe
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/30/2011

Company A
Jacob S. Kay
- Private
Mr. Kay, is not my ancestor, however he was a comrade of my ancestor George Weiser. He died at Andersonville in sept of 64. He was from Berlin, NJ.
Contact Name: William Summe
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/30/2011

Company A
George Weiser
- Private
Captured at Spotsylvania on May 14th. Was at Andersonville,Ga, and Florence, SC Prison Camps survived. George was a Glass Blower after the War and died in 1927.


Electronic version of the book, George wrote about his experiences at Andersonville,GA and Florence,SC


Please all you 10th members join our Ancestors facebook page.
Contact Name: William Summe
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/hellene.kuzmicheva#!/profile.php?id=50903013
Date Added: 9/30/2011

Company B
Roger Clayton
- Private
Burried in grave #11,990 Andersonville Cemetary, GA
Contact Name: Scott Clayton
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 9/25/2010

Company B
Isaac Penn
- Corporal
No comments
Contact Name: Karen Penn
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/2/2006

Company B
Jesse Penn
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Karen Penn
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 12/2/2006

Company C
John E Pepper
- Captain
My great-great Grandfather, Capt. John E. Pepper. Mustered in Sept 7, 1861 in Camden NJ. -- Commissioned 2nd Lt., Aug 3, 1863 by General Parker. -- Promoted to 1st Lt., Oct 24, 1863. -- Nov/Dec Muster Roll comments say ''Commanding Company''. -- May/June 1864 Muster Roll comments say ''Commanding Company since May 6, 1864''. -- July/Aug 1864 Muster Roll: ''Missing in action Aug 17, 1864 at the battle of Winchester, VA.'' -- The next Muster Roll is Mar/Apr 1865: ''Taken prisoner at Winchester Va Aug 17/64 & Ret. to Co. Apr 15/65. Pay due for Comdg Co. from June 30/64 to Aug 17 64.'' -- Muster Out Roll: May 21, 1865: ''Promoted from 1 Lieut. Co. C 10 New Jersey Vols to be Capt. same Company vice Capt. John D. Johnson discharged'' -- He mustered back in May 22, 1865. -- He mustered out July 1, 1865 in Halls Hill, Va.

I believe he moved back to the Hainesport, New Jersey area.

He married Rebecca C. Fortiner in 1871. They had two children, Albert Middleton Pepper and Abigail Pepper.

He died Oct. 1, 1875. He is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Hainesport (Lumberton), NJ.
Contact Name: Frank Pepper
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/13/2004

Company E
Joseph Alexander
- Private
Born in Ireland, enlisted in February of 1864, shot in the upper chest at Spotsylvania (I believe at Galt or Gayle house, Myers Farm?). Discharged at Halls Hill in July of 1865 and died of complications of battle wound in 1872
Contact Name: Adam Dean
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/10/2009

Company E
Cornelius Dutch (Duch)
- Private
Cornelius Dutch b.1842 d.1916(buried at United Methodist Church in Absecon, NJ)
Pvt.,Co. E, 10 Reg't New Jersey Inf. Volunteered at Egg Harbor City January 4,1864 at age 24.
(Edward Grant is listed as examining surgeon on volunteer enlistment document)
Jan. & Feb.,1864 Muster records him Transferred to Co. G for temporary service during absence of Co. in NJ.
Wounded in Right Foot at North Anna River, May 25th 1864 and was hospitalized thereafter.
Contact Name: Barbara Dutch
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/21/2005

Company E
John Henry Hackett
- Private
John enlisted at the inception of the regament oct. 1861 as a corporal.But when the ''olden legion'' was called up by pres. Lincoln they underwent reranking and John then finished out his service with the 10th as a private. John is buried with his wife Martha in the Absecon Methodist cemetary in Absecon, N.J.
Contact Name: Ed Hackett
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/17/2004

Company E
Major S Mathews (Mathis)
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Nancy Carroll
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/3/2005

Company E
John Misson
- Private
Son of Bernhard and Sara Misson from Plumstead, Bucks County, Pa. A shoemaker by trade. Resident of Frenchtown and Holland Township N.J. Member GAR McClellan Post Frenchtown. Died June 9, 1917.
Contact Name: susan
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 6/24/2008

Company E
Leverett G Rogers
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Joseph Mourey
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/28/2006

Company E
Charles Biddle States
- Private
His Civil War service record is as follows: He enlisted with Co.E of the 10th New Jersey Infantry Regiment on 25 Nov. 1861 to serve a three year term of service (after running away from his home in Pennsylvania to enlist according to his wife). He was honorably discharged 25 Nov. 1864 after the expiration of his term of enlistment at Aikins Landing on the James River in Virginia.
June 30,1863 - Absent ordered to report to Capt. Charles Davis, Chief Signal Officer at Fortress Monroe.
Aug. 31 to Dec. 31,1863 - Absent on detached service at Fortress Monroe by order of Gen Dix. Worked in U. S. military telegraph.
Feb. 29,1864 - Absent on detached duty at Fortress Monroe by order of Gen. Dix. Transferred to G company.
Apr. 30 ,1864 - Transferred to Co. D.
June 30, 1864 - Detailed to Signal Corps.
Sept. and Oct. 1864 - Absent sick in hospital with intermittent fever and conjunctivitis.
Contact Name: Charles Gardner
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 2/11/2007

Company F
James White
- Private
Contact Name: Al Tarleton
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/25/2011

Company H
Thomas Black
- Private
No comments
Contact Name: Diane Seebass
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 4/13/2011

Company H
Silas Glaspey
- Sergeant
No comments
Contact Name: Nathan Hellwig
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/11/2005

Company H
Martin Miller
- Private
Martin Miller was born on Feb 14th 1844 in New York City. He tryed to join twins with the New York regiments, but his mother found him eather before or after he enlisted. The third time he went over the river to New Jersey. Martin enlisted in the Company H Tenth New Jersey Infantry 'Olden's Legion' on Dec 1st 1861 at age 17 years 10 months. Martin was with the 10th New Jersey for the battle of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, and other skirmishes.Then on August 17th 1864, at Strasburg. Martin was wounded in the leg and captured along with 7 offcers and 143 enlisted men. Martin along with his captain and a number of other were sent to Danville POW camp, then on Feb 22, 1865 he was sent to Libby prison. On Feb 24th he was paroled. He was hospitalized Annapolis Maryland and on Feb 28th received a 30 day leave. When he returned to his regiment on March 28th 1865 he was assigned to company I. I am not sure Martin participated in the Fall of Petersburg(Fort Fisher), but I am sure Martin was present at Lees surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Martin was mustered out of service on June 22nd 1865. Over the 10th New Jersey invalvement in the Civil War the regiment lossed.....48 killed.....45 died of wounds.....257 wounded.....224 captured or were missing (60 of whom were recaptured). 190 died by accidents, or disease. The total is 290 men died from the 10th New Jersey in services of their Country . Martin after the war returned to New York City, and worked as a labor. He always mentioned the battle of Cold Harbor 'that Cold Harbor now that was a battle'. Martin was active in the GAR and went to seveal encampments. The wound that he reseived at Strasburg just got worse over the years. On Feb 24th 1909 he fell down the stairs and broke his ribs, and days later he died by disease.....I am now putting together my imformation on the 10th New Jersey, and I am now making a website from them.
Contact Name: Kyle Morrissey
Contact Email: Show Email
Contact Homepage: Publish history of the 10th New Jersey is in the works
Date Added: 5/30/2005

Company H
David Buck Russell
- Private
Died December 19th, 1864 near Petersburg, VA.
Contact Name: Paul Godfrey
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 1/29/2010

Company I
Richard A. Spain
- Corporal
No comments
Contact Name: ginny howard
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 3/12/2006

Company K
filbert shellenberger
- 2nd Lieutenant
Does anyone have photos of the New Jersey 10th?
Contact Name: John O'Donnell
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 7/14/2007

Company K
Filbert Shellenberger
- 2nd Lieutenant
My great, great grandfather
Contact Name: Francis E Faunt
Contact Email: Show Email
Date Added: 8/28/2018

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